Barrett Paving – Midwest Central
Barrett Midwest Central completed paving for the Dayton International Airport Runway 18-36 Rehabilitation in August of 2018 with surface and base mix being laid in two phases. One of the biggest challenges was not being allowed onto the airport grounds until the first day of construction. Other challenges for Barrett Mid-Ohio aggregates and Midwest Central asphalt lab technicians were the manufacturing of new aggregates and special target gradations to meet mix design requirements and the increased frequency of quality testing requirements. The project also required 100% crushed material, which made it difficult to keep up with the other everyday aggregates like 3/4″ and 3/8″ sizes. This was such a critical project, many other projects had to be switched to other plants.
In April of 2018, prep work and milling the runway shoulders for Phase One began. The crews laid and tested many tons of base mix followed even more tons of surface mix to complete Phase One on June 1st. Four weeks later, after the Dayton Air Show concluded, the crews began their prep work for Phase Two.
The second phase presented some challenges for everyone with more surface mix and site work resulting in long hours. More lab technicians were required to handle testing of the airport mixes, requiring outside testing laboratories to test for several of Midwest Central’s other projects. Thanks to the combined efforts of the MWC division and the MOH division, Phase Two was completed on August 24th with final completion in October with no penalties incurred.